
Links to publications are provided. If you cannot freely access a publication DO NOT PAY. Instead, please email Stephanie at sarcher at and she will send you a copy.

* indicates an undergraduate coauthor

Dunham, A., J.C. Iacarella, K.L. Hunter, S.C. Davies, S. Dudas, K.P.S. Gale, E. Rubidge, and S.K. Archer. 2024. Conserving ecosystem integrity: ecological theory as a guide for marine protected area monitoring. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 0(0):e02175.

Mouy, X., S.K. Archer, S. Dosso, S. Dudas, P. English, C. Foord, W. Halliday, F. Juanes, D. Lancaster, S. Van Parijs, D. Haggarty. 2024. Automatic Detection of unidentified fish sounds: A comparison of traditional machine learning with deep learning. Frontiers in Remote Sensing 5.

Lavaud, R., S.K. Archer, M.K. La Peyre, F.M. Campanino, S.M. Casas, J.R. La Peyre. 2024. In-situ valve opening response of eastern oysters to estuarine conditions. Marine Biology 171:174.

Dunham, A., J.C. Iacarella, K.L. Hunter, S.C. Davies, S. Dudas, K.P.S. Gale, E. Rubidge, and S.K. Archer. 2024. Conserving ecosystem integrity: ecological theory as a guide for marine protected area monitoring. Ecological Applications e3005.

Campanino, F.M., P.A. English, C.A. Layman, S.K. Archer. 2023. Sponge presence increases the diversity and abundance of fish and invertebrates in a subtropical seagrass bed. Estuaries and Coasts.

Stoner, E. W., S. K. Archer, and C. A. Layman. 2022. Increased nutrient availability correlates with increased growth of the benthic jellyfish Cassiopea spp. Food Webs 31:e00231.

Archer, S. K., P. A. English, F. M. Campanino, and C. A. Layman. 2021. Sponges facilitate primary producers in a Bahamas seagrass system. Marine Biology 168:162. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-021-03977-x

O’Regan, SM, SK Archer, SK Friesen, and KL Hunter. 2021. A global assessment of climate change robustness of Marine Protected Area management plans. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:1155. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.711085

Bates, AE, RB Primack, PAN-Environmental working group (including SK Archer) and CM Duarte. 2021. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109175

Archer, SK, AS Kahn, M Thiess, L Law, SP Leys, SC Johannessen, CA Layman, L Burke, and A Dunham. 2020. Foundation Species Abundance Influences Food Web Topology on Glass Sponge Reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:549478. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.549478

Archer, SK, G Dennison, L Tryon, S Byers, and A Dunham. 2020. Invertebrate settlement and diversity on a glass sponge reef. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 134:1. DOI: 10.22621/cfn.v134i1.2297

Stevenson, A, SK Archer, JA Schultz, A Dunham, JB Marliave, P Martone, and CDG Harley. 2020 Warming and acidification threaten ancient glass sponge filtration and reef formation. Scientific Reports 10:8176. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65220-9

Rossi, RE, SK Archer, C Giri, and CA Layman. 2020. The role of multiple stressors in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) die-off. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 237:106660. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106660

Guillas, KC*, AS Kahn, N Grant, SK Archer, A Dunham, and SP Leys. 2019. Settlement of juvenile glass sponges and other invertebrate cryptofauna on the Hecate Strait glass sponge reefs. Invertebrate Biology. e12266. DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12266

Loh, TL, SK Archer, and A Dunham. 2019. Monitoring program design for data‐limited marine biogenic habitats: A structured approach. Ecology and Evolution. 9:7346-7359. DOI:10.1002/ece3.5261

Grant, N., E. Matveev, A. S. Kahn, S. K. Archer, A. Dunham, R. J. Bannister, D. Eerkes-Medrano, and S. P. Leys. 2019. Effect of suspended sediments on the pumping rates of three species of glass sponge in situ. Marine Ecology Progress Series 615:79-100. DOI: 10.3354/meps12939

Dunham, A, SK Archer, SC Davies, LA Burke, J Mossman, JR Pegg, and E Archer. 2018. Assessing condition and ecological role of deep-water biogenic habitats: Glass sponge reefs in the Salish Sea. Marine Environmental Research. 141:88-99. DOI:10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.08.002

Archer, SK, WD Halliday, A Riera, X. Mouy, JWF Chu, MK Pine, A Dunham, and F Juanes. 2018. The first description of a glass sponge reef soundscape reveals fish calls and elevated sound pressure levels. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 595:245-252 DOI:10.3354/meps12572

Archer, SK, S Buhler, and CA Layman. 2018. Ambient nutrient availability drives the outcome of an interaction between a sponge (Halichondria melanadocia) and a seagrass (Thalassia testudinum). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 503:86-91 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.02.005

Archer, SK, AS Kahn, SP Leys, T Norgard, F Girard, CP Du Preez, and A Dunham. 2018. Pyrosome consumption by benthic organisms during blooms in the NE Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. Ecology 99:981 984. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2097

Archer, SK, JL Stevens, RE Rossi, KO Matterson, and CA Layman. 2017. Abiotic conditions drive significant variability in microbial activity and nutrient processing in a common Caribbean sponge, Ircinia felix. Limnology and Oceanography 62: 1783–1793. DOI:10.1002/lno.10533

Easson, CG, SK Archer, KO Matterson, CJ Freeman, and RW Thacker. 2015. Spatial variability in sponge community assemblages across an anthropogenic gradient in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. PeerJ 3:e1385

Layman, CA, S Buhler, ST Giery, R Rossi, T Penland, M Henson, A Bogdanoff, M Cove, A Irizarry, C Schalke, and SK Archer. 2015. A primer on the history of food web ecology: Fundamental contributions of fourteen researchers. Food Webs 4: 14-24

Archer, SK, EW Stoner, and CA Layman. 2015. A complex interaction between a sponge (Halichondria melanadocia) and a seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) in a subtropical coastal ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 465:33-40

Archer, SK, JE Allgeier, BX Semmens, SA Heppell, CV Pattengill-Semmens, AD Rosemond, PG Bush, CM McCoy, BC Johnson, and CA Layman. 2015. Hot moments in spawning aggregations: Implications for ecosystem-scale nutrient cycling. Coral Reefs 34(1):19-23. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-014-1208-4

Archer, SK and TA Crowl. 2014. Retention of learned predator recognition in an endangered sucker Chasmistes liorus liorus. Aquatic Biology 20:195-202. DOI: 10.3354/ab00558

Layman CA, ZR Jud, SK Archer, and D Riera*. 2014. Provision of ecosystem services by artificial shoreline structures in a highly impacted estuary. Environmental Research Letters 9: 044009. DOI: 10.1088/1748 9326/9/4/044009

Heppell, SA, BX Semmens, SK Archer, CV Pattengill-Semmens, PG Bush, BC Johnson, CM McCoy, and SS Heppell. 2012. Documenting recovery of a spawning aggregation through size frequency analysis from underwater laser calipers measurements. Biological Conservation 155: 119-127

Archer, SK, SA Heppell, BX Semmens, CV Pattengill-Semmens, PG Bush, CM McCoy, and BC Johnson. 2012. Patterns of color phase indicate spawn timing at a Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregation. Current Zoology 58(1):70-80